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Visualization of the Future Store
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Morphing Online and Offline together
LUMI is currently looking to re-create the customer experience and the first place to put this in action is the retail store concept. Here’s LUMI’s Co-Founder Bruno Beaugrand’s thoughts and ideas of the future platform of retail.
Experience Based Retail
Lumi wishes to simplify and to magnify the way we shop. We are after an orgasmic retail experience. An experience for people; fun, connected and ultra convenient. We are all about “social shopping”.
The current wholesale-to-retail model is obsolete and this is the direct effect on how brick and mortar retail to consumer is performing nowadays. Retail needs to be updated to bring a solution how consumers interact with brands.
We believe in reinventing retail from top to bottom, where the online and offline world overlays and are morphed together in one dimension to offer a personal and higher quality service, pleasure and practicality to our customers.
LUMI Helsinki Flagship Store as a Pilot Space
We believe in an open minded, multi-sensorial space. A place where you can touch and feel leather pieces, find the right fit and try on the styles, and once falling in love, grab your phone to buy yourself that perfect piece and have it shipped to you. Anywhere…anytime.
We believe in conveniency, where some loves leaving the store with their purchase in a gorgeous shopping bag, others can see great benefits to have it delivered at home, Airbnb or even sent directly to someone as a gift.
The LUMI Experience
In this new approach, interaction comes naturally with a smile. A highly knowledgeable LUMI brand assistant will answer your questions about the industry, our materials, our designs and of course our stand on environmental concerns and solutions. Our assistant will be right beside you; no sales counter, no more sales pitch. Tea, coffee and hot chocolate is served while browsing and chatting on leather pieces or if you just wish to sit down and enjoy a projected animation of the LUMI story.
The technology is based on mobile payment where an identifier is scanned and payment processed instantly via the preferred option. Alipay, Google Pay, WeChat, Apple Pay, Swish or Mobile Pay and the list goes on.
We are not selling just leather goods, we are selling an Aesthetic and a way of life.
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